Public Announcement of IAMS &Tuoren International Exchange Program Awardees
Date:2018-12-15 13:18:18      Hits:

、The original intention of the International Air Management Society (IAMS) &Tuoren International Exchange Program is to enable young anesthesiologists in the Asia-Pacific region to have more opportunities to study and exchange abroad, broaden their horizons and improve their skills. Therefore, IAMS has been cooperating with Tuoren since 2018 to establish the project for three consecutive years. There are 2 awardees per year, one for China and the other for other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The amount of funding is $2,000 per person and be divided into two parts and given twice. After the training, a written summary should be submitted and an oral report will be made at the next year's IAMS annual meeting.
By April 10, 2018, a total of 7 applications were received before the Xi'an Annual Meeting and be sent by e-mail to 6 airway experts from 5 countries and regions to score in September. Four doctors with the highest scores entered the interview. The interview was conducted through online video twice, two people once and scored by the experts from the United States, whose native language is English, according to uniform criteria. The candidates are determined based on academic achievement and English skill finally.

Dr. Sushan Gupta from Tata Memorial Hospital in India and Dr. Wei Wei from the Eye &ENT Hospital of Fudan University in China have won the award this year.


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